Where were you when the robots came, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

I'll tell you where I was. I was at the London Podcast Show 2024, watching Arthur Larrey, founder of Audion, present a 100% AI-generated podcast. (If you're curious, they used their own AI to clone Ricky Gervais' voice, ChatGPT to generate a script for 'Ricky Gervais' to read and Midjourney AI to make the cover art).

It freaked me out so much that I had to lie down in a darkened room.

I don't know about you, but I hope that 100% AI content is not the future of podcasting. I want to know what my fellow humans are podcasting about, not what the robots think we should hear.

However, there were plenty of other AI-themed talks at the LPS 2024 which showcased the better side of AI—the tools that'll save you time and bring you joy.

I haven't used all of these yet but I intend to have a go with them and report back about how they did or didn't help me. With that in mind, this list isn't an endorsement, more of a palette of AI suggestions to make your life a little easier. I've grouped them by their main purpose but some are multifunctional.

(This list leans heavily on James Cridland's 'AI Tools for Podcasting' talk, with a couple of suggestions from other presenters thrown in).

So, here's what AI can do for your podcast:

AI for Idea Generation

  • Use ChatGPT or Claude AI to help you decide and refine topics for your upcoming episodes
  • Check trending topics with Buzzsumo

AI for Editing

AI for Transcriptions

There are a lot of transcription tools out there now, so many that I'm even considering ditching Otter AI! Here are a selection mentioned at the podcast show:

  • Both Apple and Spotify now automatically generate podcast transcriptions
  • Spreaker offers free transcriptions through Musixmatch
  • Plenty of remote recording platforms create automatic transcripts for you, including Descript and Riverside

AI for Monetisation

  • Draw up a list of your ideal podcast sponsors, plug that list in Google Gemini and ask it to identify similar companies. Sometimes it can even identify their CMO/Marketing Director for you too
  • When you've got a sponsor, generate high-quality podcast adverts for them with AudioStack
  • If you've ever worked with AI-generated voices, you know the pain of the AI voice not hitting the pacing and inflexions you want to hear. So, try Wondercraft's Parrot Mode: recording yourself saying the ad exactly how you want it and the tool will generate an AI voice saying it Exactly. Like. That.
  • Audion generates and distributes personalised segments in adverts. For example, if you land a sponsorship with IKEA (congrats!!), you can use an actor to read the majority of the copy, with an AI-generated voice at the end of the ad stating the address of the listener's nearest IKEA store

AI for Production

  • Create jingles and full-on songs for your podcast with Udio

If I missed your favourite AI tool, hit reply and let me know.

Have a great day!

~Sarah at CopyHop~

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