Boss your business podcast

Circa 2017, there was one sentence every marketing manager dreaded hearing.

There they were in their office, listening to Rihanna and DJ Khaled sing about their Wild Thoughts, eating a unicorn bagel, when all of a sudden some VP of Sales would stick their head around the door and say,

"Hey, what do you think about us starting a podcast?"

Jump forward a couple of months to much frustration when that half-baked podcast didn't turn on the magic sales tap.

Nowadays, most businesses know that starting a podcast is a long-term strategy, not a quick win. Done right, your business podcast can bring you qualified leads, fill your content calendar with interesting posts that drive engagement, attract talented new team members and make you stand out as a thought leader in your industry.

But that's only if you do it right.

That's why you need to attend this year's B2B Pod Con.

It's the premiere conference for B2B podcasters where you'll gain exclusive insights to boost your B2B podcast's reach and impact. Plus, you can network with other industry leaders as you learn about the latest podcasting tools and resources.

The conference is in Nashville, Tennessee, in November and tickets go on sale this month. My buddy Eric Rutherford from Build That Podcast is running it, so you know it's going to be good.

So good that it'll impress that VP of Sales who breezed into your office that day in 2017.

Now there's a wild thought.

Have a great day!

~Sarah at CopyHop~

Like this email? Then hop on over to my ​website​! I've got ​blog posts about podcasting​, plus a list of my ​services​ and a handy ​get in touch with me​ page.

If you want to hear more from me, then connect with me on ​LinkedIn​.

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Learn How to Repurpose Your Podcast Content

Recording your podcast episode is just the start! Grow your podcast audience and revenue by strategically repurposing your episode content for maximum reach. If you're on my list, you'll get practical tips, inspiration, podcast recommendations and puns sent straight to your inbox, every week.

Read more from Learn How to Repurpose Your Podcast Content
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